Posted tagged ‘Strength’


March 5, 2012


One of the most influential and powerful people in my life was Judy, my wife for 42 years and my best friend for 48 years. She passed away in 2008. Her picture is below my signature. She was a very creative person who understood life at the most basic level and was able to express the most powerful parts through poetry, short stories and her amazing ability to relate to people at all levels.. Following is one of her most important statements about life.


I have Form, Body and Substance; I AM
I have Strength, Power and Energy; I AM
I have Feelings, Senses and Perception; I AM
I have Love, Harmony and Balance; I AM
I have Inspiration, Thought and Memory; I AM
I have Intuition, Dreams and Vision; I AM
I have Wisdom, Faith and Spirit; I AM
I have all of these; therefore I AM

I am Wisdom, Faith and Spirit; I BELIEVE
I am Intuition, Dreams and Vision; I BELIEVE
I am Inspiration, Thought and Memory; I ELIEVE
I am Love, Harmony and Balance; I BELIEVE
I am Feelings, Senses and Perception; I BELIEVE
I am Strength, Power and Energy; I BELIEVE
I am Form, Body and Substance; I BELIEVE
I BELIEVE in Me; therefore I AM

Please make this your personal pledge. It will serve you well and help you experience, joy, Love, eagerness and excitement.




Judy Taber 1945-2008